English: Map of countries by GNI per capita compared to China. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When President Obama pronounced the steps that his administration would take to reduce carbon emissions, he spoke eloquently ? that U.S. citizens ?will have the satisfaction of knowing that the world we leave to our children will be better off for what we did.? The bigger test, though, is get to globe?s other polluters to join in the crusade, namely China.
China relies largely on coal to power its economy. But domestic and global environmental pressures are forcing it to look at other options that include nuclear energy and hydro-power. To get there, it needs a heck of a lot more foreign participation. By its own standards, China needs to attract $200 billion in private capital by 2030, and will require trillions overall in 20 years, says the International Energy Agency.
The United States and China, together, produce about 42 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. In this country, totals are falling because of the coal-to-gas transition. But in China, they are rising, largely because it is building one coal generator a month. ??While critics decry China?s heavy coal use, its supporters are bullish: It?s an economy growing at 8 percent annually while its demand for energy is escalating even faster. Coal facilities, though, are doing most of the heavy lifting.
The irony is that China has entered its economic transformation at the same time the global community is dealing with climate change. China, too, is trying to cope,? with some leaders of its ruling party noting that growth there must be guarded until that nation gets the tools it needs to regulate emissions.
The good news is that the Asian country is making investments in advanced coal generation that include supercritical and ultra-supercritical plants. In those cases, for each unit of coal input into the system, more power comes out on the back end, reducing overall pollution levels. General Electric Corp., for example, is implementing coal gasification technology there.
While China mines at least 3 billion tons of coal a year, it must still import the fuel. To that end, American investors find Chinese companies irresistible and particularly coal companies. Alpha Natural Resources and Peabody Energy are satisfying China?s demand for more coal imports.
Critics of additional coal plant construction in China argue that multinational corporations must become more environmentally conscious. China?s blessings, they add, will be wiped out unless it curbs the rate of emissions.
The Chinese government, though, is moving to diversify its electricity portfolio: By 2020, China says that sustainable power will rise from about 10 percent today to provide 15 percent of its electricity. By 2050 green fuels will supply 30 percent.? China also hopes to increase its nuclear portfolio from 2.3 percent of its generation today to 6 percent ? 40,000 megawatts ? by 2020. By 2050, the aim is to have at least 150,000 megawatts of installed nuclear capacity, or 22 percent of the mix.
As such, Lockheed Martin announced it is developing a 10-megawatt ocean thermal energy conversion pilot power plant off the coast of southern China.? Meanwhile, China is also buying nuclear technology from Westinghouse, owned by Toshiba Corp.
Government reforms are easing restrictions to foreign investment in newer generation technologies and particularly those associated with renewable power and nuclear energy, albeit Chinese interests must generally hold dominant shares. Despite those moves toward privatization, China?s economy is controlled by inefficient government enterprises. That?s affected foreign direct investment, which in 2010 was 3.12 percent of all capital in the country, says the World Bank ? not enough to meet expected future energy demand.
China is walking a fine line as it tries to ease into a market-oriented power sector. If it moves too quickly, havoc may result. Deregulating too slowly, however, could hamper economic growth.
The goal is to fuel its economy and to end the blackouts and power shortages. Beyond an influx of new capital, analysts say that the immediate remedy is to get the grids interconnected so that those areas with surpluses can feed power to those regions that suffer shortages. At the same time, the government needs to tie electricity usage to market rates. In other words, manufacturers might be charged more during peak periods when electricity consumption can spike 100 percent.
China is trying to build a stable generation base comprised of nuclear, coal and green facilities. That, of course, takes money. To achieve that objective, policymakers know they must restructure their electricity sector to make it more attractive to outside investors that require adequate returns. The trick is to limit price volatility while at the same time let consumers there know that rates can and will fluctuate. If done right, China can help fuel its sizzling economy with foreign direct investment, while also leaving a better world for its children.
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