As a small business owner . . .
Are you an Employee or an Entrepreneur??
Is there a difference between being a small business OWNER or an employee in your own company?
You better believe it ? what does it take to be an entrepreneur?
If you want to be successful, you have to stop thinking like an employee working IN a business, and start acting like an entrepreneur and work ON your business. ? ?
The word "entrepreneur" is derived from the Old French verb entreprendre, which means "to undertake." Every year, nearly one million Americans undertake one of the biggest transitions of life: from employee to entrepreneur.
Do you have what it takes?
Trait #1? Vision/Leadership
Successful entrepreneurs usually see what other don't and tend to think outside the box.?
Being a Leader implies that you do what others won't.? Leaders go outside their comfort zones.
Trait #2: The Need to Achieve
The need to achieve is an internal force that demands that you accomplish things in your life.
Trait #3: Perseverance
Perseverance is the ability to "hang in there" and not give up. This includes the ability to follow through on commitments.
Trait #4? Self Motivation
Of course 100% motivation is unsustainable all of the time, when you have an off day or feel a little de-motivated, then always take time out and do something different.
Trait #5? Self-Discipline
The ability to take consistent and persistent action even when we don't feel like it.? This means not allowing yourself to get distracted by a myriad of activities that are "non-productive".
Trait #6? Learn to take responsibility
You are the key to your destiny. You control your future ? take responsibility for it.?
You don't have to be good at everything. You will decide which jobs you want to do yourself delegate to great people
Remember to take full responsibility for the outcome of every situation and improve at every opportunity. If somebody makes a mistake, look for ways to prevent it from happening again.
Trait #7: Positive Mental Attitude
Optimistic attitudes create positive outcomes.?
Trait #8: Objectivity
The ability to accurately assess risks with decisions to be made and also not allowing your ego to dictate your course of action
Trait #9: Foresight
The ability to anticipate changes needed before the problem arises
Trait #10? Flexibility
Constantly looking for ways to do things better.? . .? to recognize when perseverance devolves in just plain "stubbornness", and will make adjustments as necessary.
Trait #11: Good interpersonal skills
Business owners are politicians, and the best business owners get along well with other people.
Trait #12: Strong communications skills
Although you can "hire" written communication (as in copy writing).? You must possess the ability to write well and speak well to be able to communicate well to employees, suppliers, customers, and the media.
Trait 13? Know where you excel and focus on One idea at a time!
Don?t spread yourself too thinly.? You will also find that because your business is new, customers will be cautious about using your service or buying your product. Therefore it is essential that you put time and effort into every area of your business so that it runs smoothly and without too many glitches.
Trait 14: Resourcefulness
Resourcefulness is the ability to solve unique problems in creative ways in which you have no experience.?
Trait #15: Technical knowledge
You have to know what you are doing, or at least be able to learn.? Most entrepreneurs are information sponges.
Trait #16: A respectful attitude towards money
Money can't be seen as an end in itself, but as a means for making things happen and accomplishing goals.
Trait #17:??? Mental Toughness
Don?t? take negative comments completely to heart.? Only consider taking peoples' advice if it is constructive.
Many hard decisions have to be made.? The successful entrepreneur has to be able to withstand criticism.
Trait #18?? Treat Failure as an opportunity!
The key to every successful entrepreneur is their ability to deal with failure, and how you handle adversity
It is not what happens to us that is key; but? how we react is the determining factor in permanent failure or simply temporary defeat.? Within every failure or mistake there is an opportunity. You just need to learn how to identify the opportunity and turn it to your advantage.?
Making mistakes, and learning from them, adapt your thinking and mentality to turn negative situations into positive ones.
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